Monday, July 28, 2008


Because it is back to the track tomorrow for some serious intervals that equate roughly 7-7.5 miles. I did do a recovery 5k today at 9:15-20 first mile, 9:05-9:10 second mile, and 8:57 the final mile. Nowhere near what I was accomplishing in the Spring. Sometimes I can get very discouraged, but upon news of other runners in my immediate circle suffering from the same malady I am recovering from--not so bad.

As far as fighting weight--I am a lean machine. But with the weight loss came an "energy" loss, and I am paying for it. So the plight before me entails marathon training (which started on Sunday) and getting back into the strength training after my STUPID right shoulder and it's problems.

I want to get back to the 8:00 sprints for a nice 5k, and a general feeling of overall well-being in a longer run--instead of suffering and begging for the end. It will happen. All things in good time for good people--and as long as I am true to myself and my endeavors, it is all good.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Back in the Saddle

AGAIN! And that song was on my playlist this morning, so I had good inspiration. I got up, I got out of bed, and I ran just over seven miles this morning at a pretty steady, SLOOOOOWWWW pace (10:00/mile). I felt good, though. I felt like it is going to come back to me after slacking with this flu. So tomorrow I will cycle or run again, and do some strength training. Bob and I are going to resume the speed training at the track with the group on Tuesday.

PROUD moment for mommy today. Bob and I took the 12-year-old and the 8-year-old to the store today and purchased running gear and shoes. Lindsay is an Asics girl like her mother, and Samantha preferred the Nikes. We shall see how it goes. Lindsay is going to pile cross country on top of soccer and AP classes come the beginning of the school year. They are running tomorrow. Samantha is the fast one, keeping up with me for 3 miles with no issue.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sick Again

No--not the awesome song by Led Zeppelin. ME! I have been battling this flu/virus/whatever since Saturday. Had to duck out of the 8 and a half on Saturday at about mile 4.5. I just couldn't do it any longer. I spent the next couple of days in bed, watching bad television and feeling sorry for myself. Today was the first day I got up off my ass and did about 3.75 on the dreadmill at a 9:00 mile and I walked one. I tried to feign weight training, but I didn't get too far. Thank goodness the kids are self-contained for the most part. I am aching as I type this.

SO! I did attend the Democratic headquarters grand opening on Friday. A good day was had by all. I was thoroughly impressed by Tim Cunha--a candidate running for congress for Florida's sixth district.

What a dynamic orator and politician! He seems to be well-invested in his constituents, and I will be voting for him.

My Obama yard sign did not survive the weekend. I sent a mass email to my neighborhood telling them essentially to "fuck off". The response? The community's rules and bylaws prohibit the posting of political signs--NEVER MIND THAT ALL THE THE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES IN THE UPCOMING ELECTION WERE OUT IN FULL FORCE. If ONE McSAME sign is erected--damn skippy my Obama will be replaced. My first amendment rights so casually overlooked--our neighborhood isn't even incorporated, so we really have no legal obligation to follow the rules or pay the yearly fees. I want my children to be proactive and who they are--not defined by the "status quo". Alison suggested I should smear dog feces around the sign, and deposit piles around the base of the sign...that way, the next thief will have an umpleasant surprise executing his cowardly act.